Shipping Detail

fees :

all our products have free shipping as default, the user can change and choose a specific shipping type that might have differing shipping times if available, but there will be additional fees for that in most cases, these additional fees should be displayed.


shipping time :

the shipping time is displayed on the product page, for each product the shipping time might be different as we provide products from different suppliers around the world.

the time displayed is an estimate, the order might be delivered before or after the estimated time by several days or so.

unless the product page displays the “refund for late delivery” option, there will be no refunds for late deliveries.

order processing time usually takes 1-3 business days before dispatching the product.


shipping items separately :

we supply items from multiple suppliers around the world, usually, that means your order will be delivered in batches to make sure you can get each item as fast as possible.


customs and taxes :

Due to our products mostly getting delivered internationally, there might be additional customs fees and taxes when entering the recipient country.

For each product, it’ll be specified from which country will it be shipped from, so our customers can order with peace of mind locally, or they can predict if there will be customs fees if they knew their country’s customs laws.

The customer is responsible for any additional fees due to customs or taxes or both.

tracking information :

the order tracking number/link will be sent by email and can be accessed from the orders tab on the account page, the tracking information will be sent once the product is dispatched.